Thursday, November 24, 2011

How I Met Your Mother - The Rebound Girl

Network: CBS
Time: Mondays, 8:00-8:30pm
Cast: Josh Radnor, Neil Patrick Harris, Cobie Smulders, Jason Segel, Alyson Hannigan


Summary (from Ted and Barney discuss making a life-changing decision together, and Robin tries to discourage Marshall and Lily from moving to Long Island.

Review: HIMYM is really throwing viewers for a loop with the whole Barney/Robin saga this season. As someone who started watching the show right around the time they started dating (then went back and watched the rest), I love the idea of them as a couple, and this season really seems to be pushing it. But the road there is apparently paved with potholes.

This episode focused on two main stories, aside from the Barney/Robin plot. In one, Marshall and Lily, who were given a house in a previous episode by Lily's grandparents, are having second thoughts about selling the place. After spending a day there and seeing how big it is, they realize just how tiny their apartment is. But when she sees just how seriously they're thinking about moving, Robin has a minor meltdown and tries to dissuade them.

In the second story, Barney and Ted decide, while drunk, to adopt a baby together. When the idea still seems like a good one in the morning, they begin to talk more, until Ted realizes adopting a baby with Barney is a terrible idea. Which is, of course, when Barney shows up with a baby that he may or may not have kidnapped. It turns out she's his niece, whom he was babysitting. This served to highlight both that Barney wasn't ready to take of a child and that his seemingly newfound desire to have one was earnest and sincere.

There were so many things to like about this episode. Let's start with Barney and Ted's drunken proclamation that everything would be easier if they didn't like girls and that they should be in a gay relationship with each other, which was promptly foiled when they both checked out the waitress. Or perhaps when they're holding the baby (whom they named Hurricane Mosby-Stinson) and a gaggle of women surround them. Or maybe Marshall giving Robin food through the bathroom window.

I have to admit, a part of me was ticked by the idea of Barney and Ted as "bro-parents." I know it would ultimately be a terrible idea, but there's a small part of me that would love to see it. At least it would be funny for awhile.

The part of the story I've neglected so far is the very end, when Barney climbed through the bathroom window and explained to Robin what had happened. When he asked if she could see him as a parent, she blurted out, "I'm pregnant." Cut to black.

This part of the story got spoiled for me before I watched the episode, but I might have figured it out anyway. Looking back, it made Barney's desire to have a child seem sudden and a little jarring. To my memory, he's never expressed any interest in a family, and I can't remember him having any positive interactions with kids. But obviously it was no coincidence that the episode where he finally expressed this longing was the same one in which Robin told him she was pregnant. It may not be his child, but you can bet Barney's going to spend at least the next episode getting excited to be a father, and this episode set it up perfectly. It almost makes you wonder if Ted's jokes throughout the episode that things happened at certain times for the sake of the story weren't tongue-in-cheek comments about this impeccable timing as well.

The other issue they left unresolved was whether or not Lily and Marshall are going to move to the suburbs. I can't imagine how they'll manage that and still have them be an integral part of the show, but I trust the writers to find a way if that's the path they choose. It does seem like a logical step for expectant parents, and I like that it's something they're addressing. I don't necessarily think the show would be lacking without this story, but it's a nice addition.

Obviously I'm looking forward to seeing how the pregnant Robin arc resolves itself, but I'm also looking forward to seeing Ted's reaction to this news. He's been in such a bad place in the romance department lately that this latest blow can't possibly help. Hopefully things will turn around for him soon (though with HIMYM's ratings where they are, it'll still be several seasons before we ever get to meet the mother).

Rating: 4/5

Favorite line:

Marshall: Baby, your grandparents gave you this house outright. The way I see it, we have five options: number one, sell it. Number two, year-round haunted house. Three, giant fence around the perimeter. Chimp sanctuary, there's a swing around the backyard. Four, we destroy it with sledgehammers. I like four.
Lily: Or five, we move in, raise our children, make this our family home.
Marshall: 'Till they graduate, and we destroy it with sledgehammers. As a family.

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